There was a pond at the end of a village. There was a little water in the pond. There lived a large number a frogs. The frogs were living there happily. One day the frogs were at play in the pond. They were swimming and croaking happily. A few mischievous school boys were playing besides the pond. They saw the frogs and stopped their play. Then they began throwing stones at the frogs in the pond. All frogs went down into the water. But the boys don't leave that place. They remained standing there with stones. Whenever anyone of them raised its head, the wicked boys wounded it with stones and enjoyed the game. Thus, became quite impossible for the frogs to stay at the pond.The new game was a great fun to the boys. They found great fun in it. They killed many frogs by throwing the stones. They were very happy. At last, an old but brave frog protested against the stones throwing. He said, "Boys, you're very cruel. Why do you hurt us with stones?" The boys replied, "We're just playing." The old frog then replied, "What's play to you is death to us." This is why you should stop it. This play is yours fun but it gives us death. The boys were ashamed at this. They left the cruel game and went away.

MORAL:~ One man's sport is another man's death