Unrest and indiscipline among students are gradually on the rise in our country these days. This is no doubt a dangerous tendency. This unrest among students in schools and higher institutions is expressed through gossiping in the class, indulging in strikes, destroying public property and fighting among themselves. This indiscipline among students is the manifestation of the unrest prevailing in our society where human values are fast disappearing. There are various reasons behind students unrest in our society. The materialistic basis of education, which is in sharp contrast with value-oriented is thought to be the major cause of students gradually getting undisciplined. The majority of students want to pass the exam by hook or by crook and ultimately get jobs. Acquiring knowledge always takes a back seat with them. There is little personal contact with the teacher and the student. The teacher and student ratio in the class being unmanageable on the higher side. This apart, parental care for control over their wards have become weak these days. The Media at times incite students to agitation by publishing false and exaggerated reports. The political parties should also be held responsible for the unrest among students. More often than not, they make students their tools to achieve their political goals. The youth get frustrated when they see a great deal of disparity between the theory and its application. This causes them to wonder whether all that they ever learnt would ever come in use or would go waste. Added to this is their economic dissatisfaction. All these factors blend together and give rise to a cut of violence. It is only a beneficial education policy and a better social order that can bring about a sobering effect on them. It is hence the duty of the sensible and responsible citizen of the society and the authorities that they should do all that they can to remove the irritants that cause such unrest. The youth should never be neglected. They are impatient, hasty and full of new ideas and vision. Their dreams have to be materialized and they like to see this happening as a result of their hard work and sometimes by force. However, they often lead the country to new horizons; because out of unrest emerges and a better society. The unrest and indiscipline among students have to be eradicated in the largest interest of our society. For making discipline students job-oriented and value-based education system has to be introduced in all the academic institutions of the country starting from schools up to colleges and universities.