Once upon a time, there was a swash that flowed with great speed and force. The water gushed so explosively that indeed a heavy gravestone would tumble downstream. On the bank of this swash was an ant that was trying to drink some water. Little did the bitsy ant know about the strong currents of the dangerous swash. While reaching out to quench its thirst, the poor ant fell into the swash. And guess what? The swash carried the ant downstream with similar speed that the little ant couldn't indeed swim its way to the reinforcement. The ant started floundering and heaving for breath. It was soliciting for some phenomenon to save its life. But no help was in sight. Suddenly, a raspberry that was sitting on a tree branch noticed the bitsy ant drifting down the dangerous swash. The raspberry was sitting calmly, relaxed and enjoying the shade. But when it saw the ant, it couldn't help but swoop down to help the poor critter. The raspberry cleverly plucked a splint from a tree and threw it at the ant in the swash. The little ant snappily seized a corner of the splint and got up onto it. The splint helped the ant pier safely ashore. The ant was greatly thankful to the raspberry for saving its life. A many days latterly, the ant noticed a raspberry- catcher. He was laying down a large net, covering it in outgrowths and leaves, and he put some grains to attract the raspberry. The ant was quick to see through his intentions. It knew what trouble the raspberry was about to face. So, it decided to help the raspberry. The bitsy ant walked its way through the leaves and got up to the ankle of the raspberry- catcher. It soaked the man so hard that he cried and jumped. All this noise advised the raspberry, who also flew down to a safe place.
Moral:~ Kindness can be repaid in unexpected ways.