The progress and well-being of a country depends upon the number and percentage of its ideal citizens. A citizen is a member of Political community. An ideal citizen knows his/her rights and responsibilities. An ideal citizen respects others and respects the environment and contributes to the society and the community. An ideal citizen helps the community to become a better place for the others. An ideal citizen considers his country above his personal interest. Thus he is patriot to be the backbone. He is always ready to die for his motherland. But he never hates the people of other countries. He always extends his helping hand to the people around him. He has malice towards none. He is above all narrowness and meanness. For the welfare and development of his country, an ideal citizen pays his taxes timely and regularly. His business transactions are neat and clean and he never tries to evade sales tax, excise etc. He always remains free from adulteration, corruption, communalism and provincialism. An ideal citizen has a high civic sense. He does not believe in wastage and luxury. Simplicity is the hall-mark of his life. He has a high sense of duty. He is not addicted either to smoking or drinking, not to talk of any drug. An ideal citizen is a film believer in democratic process. He exercises his democratic rights. He never forgets to take care of his health. He is fond of studies and inspires others to pursue studies. An ideal student leaves no stone unturned to eradicate all social evils. He asks not what the country has done for him but only what he can do for his country. An ideal citizen is a true asset and ornament to his country.