Once there were three famous artists in a kingdom. They were known far and wide for their skill as artists. The King of this kingdom organised a competition and declared a prize for the best artist. Three artists competed for the prize. One of the artists painted a flower. The flower was so beautiful and natural that a bee came and sat on the flower to gather honey. The second artist painted a bunch of grapes. They looked so real that an ox tried to eat them. The King saw these two pictures and praised them. 
    The third artist painted a curtain. It was so real and life-like. The Kind asked him,"Where is your painting?" The artist replied,"My painting is behind of this curtain." The king himself tried to raise the curtain, without realizing that it was a picture.
    The first artist had deceived only an insect. The second had misled an animal while the third had deceived the King himself. Naturally the prize went to the third painting.

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