estivals are very important. They make us forget our culture and religious differences. They unite people and they come together for the sole purpose of celebration and happiness. Other than that, festivals helps us embrace our culture and region. They are very helpful in breaking the monotony of life. Among Indians, the Bangalees are most fond of festivals throughout the year. It is said that the Bangalees observe thirteen festivals in twelve months.The festivals start on the New Year's Day. As we can divide the Indian festivals into national, religious and seasonal, we see how they differ from each other. In general, national festivals are celebrated in honor of reputable people and events. The religious ones follow legends of faith and their beliefs. The seasonal ones are celebrated with each season that we experience that various from region to region.

     The National festivals include Vivekananda's Birthday, Netaji's Birthday, Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti and more.  These festivals are celebrated all over the country. All of the citizen of the country celebrate them irrespective of the religion, caste, creed. Everyone celebrates them with great patriotism. These festivals are gazetted holidays all over the county and are enjoyed with great enthusiasm. Moreover, they help in setting aside the differences of the countrymen and unite each other like never before. The capital of India, New Delhi is the seat of all festivals. For instance, it witnesses the grand parade of the Republic Day.

        The religious festivals are one of the most famous festivals not only throughout India but over the World. Some of the most prominent religious festivals are Durga Puja, Diwali, Eid, Chirstmas, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Holi and many more. Durga Puja, Diwali, Holi are the most prominent festivals of Hindu religious. They are very colorful and full of lights. Durga puja is the greatest Hindu festival. The festival continues for four days during which the Bengalees dressed in new cloths, enjoy it greatly. Durga puja is celebrated with pomp and pleasure everywhere in India.
    Eid and Muharram are the Islamic festival, observed with also traditional gaiety and grandeur here. It is about delectable dishes and family gatherings. Chirsmas celebrates the birthday of Lord Jesus Chirst. Furthermore, it is about Chirstmas tree and Santa Claus. Guru Nanak Jayanti celebrates the birthday of Guru Nanak Dev.' Nabanna' festival which marks the beginning of harvesting new crops is a very popular festival in the country.
    Finally, the particular regions of the country celebrates seasonal festivals. For, Bihu is a festival of Assam. Likewise, Tamil Nadu celebrates Pongal. In addition, there is Basant Panchami ( Saraswati Puja)  which people celebrate through North India and West Bengal as well.
    Festivals are very important. They make us forget our cultural and religious differences. They unite the people and they come together for the sole purpose of celebration and happiness. Other than that, festivals help us embrace our culture and religion. They are very helpful in breaking the monotony of life. 

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