Poet's from time immemorial have showed praise on this season of Monsoon. Kalidasha did it in his first "Meghdut", Joydeva began his "Gita Gobinda" with a Monsoon sky too. Vidyapith, Chandidasa and who ever have failed to follow their track!.Our world's poet Rabindranath has poems after poems on this season. The best of which to me is 
                        " Emana Dine Tare Bala jay,
                                     Emana Ghana Ghoro Borisy".
    As people suffer from oppressive heat and discomforting sweat and suffocating, they rejoice to see the sky with a roar and peeling of thunder, the blinding flashes of lightning and the rain comes pattering down. In this season the rivers soil and it seams,
                                "Water, water everywhere"
            The leaves look fresh and green. The meadows are carpeted with soft, luscious green foliage. Tiny meadow-flowers-white, blue and yellow-blossom in clusters everywhere. Malati, Chameli, Juthi etc fill the air with delicious aroma. The farmer is the happiest man in this season at the prospect of a bumper crop. It has a special charm to me - The Rainy Day at School.
        The rains are both a blessing and a curse. Rivers sometimes flood vast areas and these floods cause terrible havoc. Men and cattle are washed away and so are houses and roads, bridges and railway lines. These floods are often by feminine and pestilence and peoples misery beggars description.
            But in spite of all these, the Rainy seasons has a charms of its own, It is there that has made me an admirer of this season.    

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