Energy is the life breadth of modern civilization. For rolling and movement of wheels a constant supply of energy is a must. Energy is also required for domestic purpose as well. An energy crisis is any significant bottleneck in the supply of energy resources to an economy. The current crisis of energy in the world has raised many questions in our minds whether the human civilization can move forward the way it has done over the past few countries. The stock of the conventional sources of energy like coal, natural gas, petroleum, electricity is gradually running short. The available sources of energy cannot cope with its demand which is increasing day by day with the growth of industries and increase in domestic consumption. Most energy crisis has been caused by localized shortages, wars and market manipulation. It is apprehended that the stock of conventional energy sources might be exhausted within a few decades. Man should hence search for alternative sources of energy like bio gas, nuclear energy, solar energy and the like. A developing country like India is going to be hit hard due to energy crisis. However it is heartening to note that our government is taking measure to ensure constant supply of energy to come out of the current energy crisis. Efforts are on to use solar energy is cooking food and many other purpose. Bio gas is used in domestic purposes like cooking and lighting houses. Attempts are also being made to harness nuclear fission as a source of energy. Nuclear energy has a plenty of potential to cope with the current enormous demand for energy in our country. Along with the attempts to develop alternative sources of energy, the people of the countries should make judicious use of energy. A balance should be struck between the use and generation of energy; otherwise there will be crisis and shortage of energy.