Hundreds of years ago there was a king of Scotland and his name was Robert Bruce. It was a good thing that he was both brave and wise, because the times in which he lived were wild and dangerous.The King of England was at war with him, and had led a great army into Scotland to drive him out of the land and to make Scotland a part of England. Battle after battle he had fought with England. Six times Robert Bruce had led his brave little army against his foes. Six times his men had been beaten. Finally he was driven into the fight and his enemies occupied his kingdom. He went away from his kingdom and hid himself in a cave. As he lay thinking, he noticed a spider over his head, getting ready to weave her web. He watched her as she worked slowly and with great care. Six times it tried to throw her thread from one edge of the cave wall to another. Six times her thread fell short. "Poor thing!" said Robert Bruce. "You too, know what it's like to fail six times in a row". But did not give up his efforts. As a result, it ultimately succeeded. At this, the frustrated king was greatly encouraged and said to himself, "If the spider can succeed to reach the ceiling on the seventh attempt, why not I?" He then resolved to fight his enemies again to take a sweet revenge. So he called his men together. He told them of his plan and sent them out with hopeful message. Soon there was an army of brave men around him. A seventh battle was fought. The king fought with renewed vigor and energy and ultimately succeeded. And to this very day, the victory and independence of Scotland is traced to a spider who kept trying again and again to spin its web in a cave and inspired the King of Scotland, Robert Bruce.