The Editor, B/9/219, Kalyani
The Statesman Kalyani, Nadia
4, Chowringhee Square Date-17/03/2021
Kolkata- 700 001
Sub- Appeal to smokers not to smoke in Public Place
I crave the hospitality of your esteemed journal to make an appeal to smokers about smoking in places, train and buses.
Despite statutory warning on the Cigarette packets and persistent anti smoking awareness documentaries people at large fail to give up this baneful habit. Often notice is drawn to warning inside a train or a bus against smoking. But the smokers do not take these warnings seriously. They smoke even in the crowded buses or trains and discharge a thick volume of smoke just before the nose of others. They have no idea what inconvenience the non-smokers feel at this. We do feel no useful purpose will be served either by statutory warning or by law. Mass-awarness is the only answer to the solution of this social nuisance.
Smokers believe that smoking relieves their stress and strain. It is only a lame excuse, because smoking never promotes the efficiency of man. The smokers hardly know that they make other people suffer most. Hence, I appeal to smokers travelling by trains, buses and also in Public places not to smoke in the interest of their health. Thus respiratory troubles, hypertension, blood pressure and cancer could be checked to some extent in our society.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully, K.C. Basu