Our Higher Secondary Examination was to be held in April. It was also announced that we would be given our Admit Cards on the 25th March and a farewell function would be held for the outgoing students on that day at 3 p.m. Accordingly, I went there at 12 noon. The other boys of my class sent up for the examination had also arrived. Unfortunately, there was a long queue in front of the office and I had to wait for a pretty long time when I received my Admit Card. It was a quarter of three. After the distribution of the Admit Cards we were asked to go to the play ground. A group photograph was taken soon after we arrived there. Then a plate of sweets was given to each one of us. The students of the class-X were hosts of this occasion. All the teachers also were present there. Soon after, our Assistant Headmaster came. First of all a farewell was read out by the monitor of Class X. Next, I, on behalf of my fellow students, thanked the hosts of the farewell function to uphold the reputation of the school.
At last our Headmaster gave us his blessings in a voice chocked with emotion. He advised us not to get nervous or noisy in the examination hall even if some of the questions would mean difficult. We should carefully revise our answers and see that our names and roll numbers were put on the cover pages of the answer scripts. He reminded us of the advice that I had given to our junior students and advised us to our best to keep the tradition of good results in the ensuring examination. He also advised us to be careful about our general health and conduct during the examination. Some of the other teachers, showered their blessings on us. Their word and voice showed how sincere their feelings were. No one condeny that our school was well known as a good one and it was proud of its teachers and their relationship with the students. But the present atmosphere was so emotional that some of us could not help tears gathering in their eyes. Then came came the turn of the caption of our class to express our feelings of gratefulness to our teachers. He assured them that we were always conscious of what we had received at school and would spare no pains to prove worthy of them in after life.
After that, the national anthem was sung and the function came to an end. We then went up to the teachers individually to touch their feet. We took leave of our teachers and friends and came back home with a heavy heart.