One of the greatest of English romantic poets was John Keats. He was one of the main figures of the second generation of romantic poets, along with lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, despite his works having been in publication for only four years before his death tuberculosis at the age of 25. He born on 31st October, 1795 in London. Keats who became so famous later on, was not so bright and brilliant in his boyhood. He began his medical profession in 1810 as an apprentice to a doctor. But he gabe up this profession after a few years in 1817. In the meantime, his innate and inherent love of literature made him study and learn Greek and English literatures. Then Keats started writing poem of which ''Ode to a Nightingale', 'Ode to Autumn' and ' To One Who Has been Long In City Pent' deserve mention. But this great poet was unfortunately attacked with consumption. The disease was detected in 1820. As a result, his health broke down and he went Italy to regain his lost health. But Keats could not recover from this dangerous disease and unfortunately died a premature death there in 1821. Despite his sort life, John Keats has been one of the finest poets England has ever produced.

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